Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mask Day

i tot that me and ming wei will go to lib to finish the 1st draft....who knw? we change our plan.... started we plan to go jusco for buy some daily's use one the way go to jusco...we change our mind to go DP...
Once suggest go sing K thn all also excitedly agree....
We all (ming wei,vancas,jia siang,yong yao,wei shang and me) start hang out at thr frm 3pm+ to 7pm...Shopping at thr~ I buy a Voir's slipper cost rm 39.90, thn buy some daily use item and thn almost whole geng buy the same mask....except yong yao that 天生丽质 as wei shang say...

woke up at 12.30pm....thn felt nothing to do...sienz
haha...go test the mask tat i bought yesterday....Today can consider as Mask day...
I start doing the facial mask at toilet.....why? becuz the mask is black colour so paiseh to show to the the mean time for waiting the mask dry i wash my clothe plus bath...
after bath and clean the facial mask...i do hair mask plus nose mask together....

Facial mask can make ppl relax....very enjoy~

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